I liked this picture because you can see the rooftops poking out of the fog.
Every day our life should be epic and not everyday. OK, I confess, I am back to writing in my blog in a effort to get more people to view my YouTube videos and subscribe to my YouTube channel.
Avg 8.6 Dst 8.97 Tm 1:02:37 Max 27.9
My house sits atop a hill with a gully on each side of the hill. Often, like today, when the fog rolls in it goes down the gullies and leaves my house sitting on an island surrounded by fog.Avg 9.2 Dst 10.25 Tm 1:06:20 Max 38.8
I know we need the rain, and with how dry it has been it sure is nice, but it really cuts into the ride time. This looks like the only day I will be able to ride this week.11/04/2004 Avg 8.1 Dst 9.45 Tm 1:09:54 Max 29.1
11/05/2004 Avg 8.3 Dst 9.66 Tm 1:09:05 Max 27.0
Yesterday as we were coming to the top of the first hill everyone stopped to wait for everyone to catch-up. When it came time to start I started out first because I like to go at max speed down the hill and then up the next and didn't want to run into anyone. However as I started Layne started right behind me and threatened to be right on my tail. So I put it in the highest gear and bombed down at max speed and push hard up the next hill. When I got to the top Layne said "beep beep" to let me know I wasn't able to drop him. So as we started down the next hill I kept my speed as fast as I dared, however there are some curves in this hill. As I rounded the curve I was going too fast to feel good about the traction and swung a bit wide. Off to the side of the road was a nice backpack sized rock. You guessed it, I hit it straight on! Flying off the bike I am fortunate enough to land in a tree and not on the rocks. Of course Layne was right behind me as I endoed off the rock. He started to laugh then I could tell he was worried that it might not be a laughing matter and tried to hold the laugh back.11/02/04 Avg 8.5 Dst 9.44 Tm 1:08:19 Max 27.4
Avg 8.5 Dst 9.30 Tm 1:04:58 Max 28.1
It was about as nice of a day as you could ask for. The sky was blue the temperature was cool but not cold and everything was just beautiful.Avg 7.9 Dst 9.64 Tm 1:13:12 Max 39.0
The trail finally has gotten to the point that it is too wet. I think the biggest problem is that it snowed last night and the snow was melting into the trail making it a bit sloppy.Avg 8.0 Dst 10.75 Tm 1:20:36 Max 32.8
We really did need the rain, but having it rain non-stop for a week sure makes it hard to go biking. We finally got a break today, but it is suppose to rain and snow for the rest of the week. I wasn't sure if would get another chance to ride this week so I decided I better make today's ride a good one. Rode from work up to the top of the hill under the pipe. The trail was incredibly nice for having so much rain. I guess rocks just don't turn into mud.Avg 5.0 Dst 3.17 Tm 37:23 Max 24.0
It snowed/rained last night and this morning. It was nice to finally get a little moisture into the trail. In fact today was the muddiest I have seen the canyon, but was still very ridable. Although my bald back tire was spinning a bit in the mud.Avg 5.5 Dst 6.93 Tm 1:15:12 Max 24.3
Rode up to the fork again today. Just after starting down I figured I needed to look at the ride time. It was at about 58 min and I had ridden around the parking lot for a few minutes before starting out. So I figure it was about 55 minutes to the fork.Avg 8.6 Dst 9.15 Tm 1:03:32 Max 34.7
Today, even though it was the middle of the day, the sun was behind the mountain in places, leaving the trail in the shadows.Avg 8.6 Dst 9.65 Tm 1:07:00 Max 40.9
The fall colors are going to be gone soon. However, the fallen leaves are looking nice on the trail. A lot of times I am so focused on going up the trail, and the task is so difficult, that I don't get much of a chance to look around.Avg 14.0 Dst 21.26 Tm 1:31:06 Max 30.4
Decided to take the day off of work and get some errands done. I took my car into the have it looked at and then finished doing my errands on the bike.Avg 8.8 Dst 9.03 Tm 1:01:20 Max 27.7
It is obvious from the average speed and distance that we did not drive out to the canyon today. I guess I must have broken a spoke last Thursday. It took me until today to figure out that I had a broken spoke. I heard a noise on Friday when we started out but didn't know what it was. Today part way into the ride I stopped to figure out what was making the noise when Glendon asked if I had another broken spoke. He could see that my wheel wasn't straight.Avg 5.4 Dst 6.43 Tm 1:10:31 Max 24.0
Today was the first time we have ridden all the way to the fork without doing the whole loop up Slate and Down Slide. The total distance from the street to the fork and back is only 6.43 miles so I guess that means that the fork is less than three and a quarter miles up the canyon.Avg 5.3 Dst 5.5 Tm 1:01:39 Max 24.7
Today was only the second time I was able to make it up the first hill after the gate. However today I made it further up after the hill without stepping out. The problem is the better I do on the bottom part of the canyon the worse I do later on. Obviously because it takes so much work and wears me down.Avg 5.3 Dst 4.8 Tm 54:18.4 Max 25.0
Rained yesterday so there were no excuses today, the trail was nice and firm. I still have only made the first hill once, but now can start in the middle of the hill. I think overall today was the strongest I have been at doing Slate Canyon. I was able to get halfway up slate hill with only two stops to rest.Avg 5.3 Dst 4.86 Tm 54:24.8 Max 27.2
Today we decided to drive up to the mouth of the canyon and ride from there so we could go further up the canyon. Without the 2 miles each way on the road the average speed goes down but the workout is every bit as demanding.Avg 6.4 Dst 6.83 Tm 1:03:48 Max 27.4
Today's ride was up South Fork Provo River. The colors were beautiful making this once again a great ride. Once we got past the bridge crossings and started to climb the trail became quite loose. I guess the horses have been loosening it up. It made the climbing very difficult, and I was feeling like it was quite the workout. But on the way down it was so much fun that by the time we got back to the cars I had practically forgotten how bad the climb was and was just sorry the ride was over.Avg 9.2 Dst 9.01 Tm 58:41.5 Max 27.4 Odo 1,424.5 T.Tm 184:41
I'm getting better all the time and figure that I should be able to go from the gate to the fork in the road by the end of next summer. Right now it takes my maximum effort to get up the pipe hill and the hill past the gate, and I can't make it all the way up slate hill yet. But at the rate I have been improving I think the end of next summer is a good goal.Avg 8.2 Dst 11.00 Tm 1:20:29 Max 34.2
Yesterday Layne set a new record for the longest distance from the gate without stepping down. It was just past the spot where the pipe goes over the road. Layne was talking about doing some work on that hill to make it climbable, but today he almost made it up the hill, so we decided not to do much work to leave it as a challenge. We did move a couple of large rocks today.Avg 8.6 Dst 10.6 Tm 1:13:10 Max 40.9
We rode with three new people today who are experienced riders. This added pressure to the ride and we went faster then normal. Going down hill I was running at top speed, much faster than I normally go. What a blast!Avg 8.7 Dst 9.88 Tm 1:07:39 Max 39.9
It rained and snowed up Slate Canyon Sunday/Monday. We were thinking of riding up and seeing if we could get to the snow level yesterday, but I had a broken bolt on the bike and couldn't go. Today the snow had melted back enough that we wouldn't be going to the snow level. However the trail is much better with the added moisture, and for the first time I was able to climb the hill after the gate!Avg 9.7 Dst 8.14 Tm 49:59.8 Max 32.8 Odo 1383.9
I have been doing some reading about hydration, wanting to make sure I am drinking enough. Basically the goal is to drink enough to weigh the same before and after riding. According to Dr. Robert Murray, "Weight loss of more than 1 - 2 pounds indicates dehydration and a need for drinking more during your next exercise session." On most days I have been loosing about 3 pounds during a 1 hour ride. I have tried to increase the amount I am drinking and have switch from using water to gatorade. Yesterday I actually ended at the same weight I started at but today I again lost 3 pounds.Avg 9.2 Dst 8.89 Tm 57:53.5 Max 36.4
Successfully climbed the pipe hill today. Today's ride was so much fun. The fall colors are making Slate Canyon more beautiful than usual.Avg 8.7 Dst 9.96 Tm 1:08:14 Max 31.4
It is getting more and more difficult to get up into the mountains to ride. Today we got yelled at by some redneck lady upset that we were crossing the pipeline to get to the trail. It sure will be nice when they get it buried and restore the access to the trails.Avg 8.9 Dst 9.73 Tm 1:05:07 Max 41.8
I didn't have my computer with me for the last two rides, and between being sick, holiday, and work getting in the way, we haven't ridden as much. I decided to prevent the problem of the computer not getting back on the bike I will now just carry a pad of paper and pencil in the trunk of the car so I can jot the numbers down and leave the computer in place.Avg 6.4 Dst 9.43 Tm 1:27:58 Max 35.3 Odo 1337.9 T.Tm 174:00
I think today's ride had everything you could ask for in a ride. Nice morning temperature, some good climbs, fun down hills, beautiful views, the trees starting to change color, and the fresh smell of the woods.Avg 8.8 Dst 9.19 Tm 1:02:13 Max 37.8
Avg 9.7 Dst 8.3 Tm 51:05.1 Max 41.0
Friday I kind of crashed coming off of the dike, so yesterday I tried it a little faster so that I could have more balance. All it did though is make it hurt more when I crashed.Avg 9.2 Dst 9.87 Tm 1:04:08 Max 30.6 odo 1311.0 T.Tm 170:28
It has been a long time since we have had any rain on the Slate Canyon trail. Yesterday when we were riding we came across some muddy spots and a spot where a spring had come out in the middle of the road. I guess we have more water than we have had for awhile even though it is still quite dry. Anyway, there is a place on the Slate Canyon trail where you come around a tree and when it has rained there is a big puddle. The last time we had rain, I had kind of forgotten about the possibility of the puddle being there. As I came around the tree I wasn't ready, but was still able to manage to go around the puddle. However I cut a bit close to the mud and the soft edge gave way. My tire slipped into the mud and then I was had to live with mud getting flipped into my face for awhile.Avg 9.3 Dst 26.39 Tm 2:49:44 Max 40.7
I keep putting off the blog thinking I will do it later. Also keep forgetting to get the numbers off the computer so today's numbers are actually from three days of riding. I believe the first day was 8 miles and 9 mph average the second day was 8.5 miles and an accumulative average of 8.? mph which would mean yesterday was about 10 miles and better than 9 mph. We rode up Provo Canyon and south on the shoreline. I think this is the fastest we have ever done this ride.Avg 7.8 Dst 7.6 (9.2) Tm 57:47.7 Max 35.4
My front tire was on backwards for the first 1.6 miles and so it did not register on the bike computer.Avg 10.0 Dst 6.00 Tm 35:56.4 Max 38.0
On the way out today a bee stung me in the back of my leg. A few days ago Myron was talking about how he had never been stung by a bee. It was kind of funny to hear him trying to figure out which he wanted more, to know what a bee sting feels like, or not having to suffer the pain involved.Avg 7.2 Dst 14.37 Tm 1:58:46 Max 22.7
Took off after work today and rode blackhawk trail on Mt. Nebo. It is a nice longer ride that has some great single track. I hadn't had a real wreck since before the Brianhead ride, but I made up for it today. We came to a boggy river crossing and for some stupid reason I tried to ride through it. As soon as my front wheel hit the river/bog it stuck and I went over the handle bars. The worst part of it though was landing on the rocks.Avg 8.5 Dst 9.31 Tm 1:05:04 Max 35.3
I got a flat tire today. I figured it was because I hadn't checked my pressure lately and so I got a pinch flat. However when I got back to the car I found a piece of plastic shaped like a spike in the side of my tire. Looking at the tube it turned out the puncture was right where the spike was in the tire. I guess I was lucky it didn't puncture the replacement tube somewhere on the way back.Avg 9.0 Dst 8.63 Tm 57:14.5 Max 36.3
Glendon showed me a different way to get across the pipeline trench. After crossing the trench he then took me up a nice climb up the dike. So today's ride was up the dike then out to Slate Canyon, try and climb the hill past the gate twice, and then back up the dike hill and back to work.Avg 7.7 Dst 7.94 Tm 1:01:19 Max 18
The plan today was to meet at the Alpine Rodeo Grounds and ride Lambert Park. Something must have happened because we never found Mike, but Juan and I rode the park anyway. This reminded me a lot of the dirt hills we use to ride our bikes on when I was a kid, except this was a lot larger area. It has a lot of nice little twisty trails, and in spite of the fact that there was not a lot of climbing I still felt like I got a good workout.Avg 7.1 Dst 7.63 Tm 1:03:55 Max 18.4 Odo 1211.5 T.Tm 158:22
Avg 9.1 Dst 8.76 Tm 57:21.4 Max 31.6 Odo 1194.1 T.Tm 156:15
The trail is getting very dry. I kept spinning out trying to climb the hill past the gate. The frustrating part was that I was spinning out before even getting to the hard part.Avg 8.3 Dst 18.47 Dst/D 13.88 Tm 2:13:26 Max 37.0 Odo 1,185.3 T.Tm 155:13
I guess writing in a blog just like writing in a journal. I start out well, and then all of the sudden no more entries. I have been at least entering the ride stats in most every day so I will just let those go in with no comment. Today's picture comes from the 7/29 ride.Avg 10.5 Dst 9.27 Tm 52:52.3 Max 26
There isn't much left to ride from Novell now. They are putting in a new gas line and it has removed almost all of the access to our trails. The only thing left is up Slate Canyon.Avg 5.8 Dst 9.51 Tm 1:37:23 Max 33.5
Started at gas station at the mouth of Provo Canyon, rode up the valley of the pipes, up above Dry Canyon, down Dry Canyon.