Max 37.9 Avs 17.4 Dst 105.5 Tm 6:02:47 Alt^ 3969
My Bishop invited me to go on a bike ride starting from his house going down to Saratoga Springs, down to Elberta, up to Eureka, out to Vernon then Faust, and back to his house. He suggested I could borrow a bike he had given to someone else, but I didn't feel comfortable about asking to borrow the bike, and I have been wanting to get a road bike, so I went out and bought a new bike. While I was at it I got a new bike computer that has altitude gain. So today's numbers are my first numbers with the new computer and my first road bike trip.
I tried to use MapQuest to see how far it says this trip would be, but it wanted to take a round about way to get from Faust to Eagle Mountain. MSN's map took a long route from the highway back to the Bishop's house. Anyway using a combination of MapQuest and MSN I come up with the route being 107.18 miles.

Today's picture didn't turn out too well, but it is a view of Cedar Valley. The ride was basically going around all of the mountains that surround this valley.