I think this is a picture that Will took by pointing his camera backwards while riding. A little slanted and out of focus but makes for a nice "artistic effect".
Every day our life should be epic and not everyday. OK, I confess, I am back to writing in my blog in a effort to get more people to view my YouTube videos and subscribe to my YouTube channel.
Avg 9.3 Dst 26.39 Tm 2:49:44 Max 40.7
I keep putting off the blog thinking I will do it later. Also keep forgetting to get the numbers off the computer so today's numbers are actually from three days of riding. I believe the first day was 8 miles and 9 mph average the second day was 8.5 miles and an accumulative average of 8.? mph which would mean yesterday was about 10 miles and better than 9 mph. We rode up Provo Canyon and south on the shoreline. I think this is the fastest we have ever done this ride.
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