Monday, July 13, 2015

Rewrite Again

Sunday, which ends up being a day spent at church and with the family and not getting programming done.

However, after looking more at the MyAppConverter website I think what I really need is to use Sprite4Droid. I can do the translation from Swift (or Objective-C) to Java myself. I was thinking maybe I could do it overnight tonight, but first I have to get the Eclipse, Android Development Tools, and the Sprite4Droid plugin installed.

It has been a long time since I used Eclipse. Back then it was OK, but never my favorite editor. And once again the MyAppConverter website leaves me with questions. The Sprite4Droid has instructions for setting everything up using Eclipse. But their documentation sections states that Eclipse will no longer be supported because the Android Studio is now the official development tool. I played around with Android Studio and went through a few of the Android SDK tutorials.

With a wedding this weekend and family coming to town I will be splitting my time and so it may be a bit before I get the code rewritten in Java.

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