7 May 2005 Max 28.5 Avs 14.3 Dst 13.01 Atm 54:19 Odo 183 Alt^ 515
13 May 2005 Max 36.2 Avs 17.2 Dst 88.93 Atm 5:09:56 Odo 285 Alt^ 3171
My brother and sister-in-law were sealed in the
Manti Temple today. I talked my bishop into riding our bikes down to the temple. He has family in Spring City so we made that the end point of the ride. Anyway it should have come out to a 90 mile ride, but the computer came out with 88.93. I think sometimes it doesn't get a good signal from the wireless sensor. I really think wired computers is the better way to go.

It has been raining and snowing (one day) all week. So our little gulch that is usually dry has been running a steady stream for a week. Fortunately it stopped raining for our Friday ride. The weather was perfect, no wind and just cool enough that when we stopped to refill with Gaterade etc. I got a bit chilled.
It was a fun ride, and I was surprised at how easy the canyon from Nephi to Fountain Green was. I was expecting this to be a lot more of a climb than it was.
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