Saturday, June 12, 2004

Ride of the 4 Summits

Today's ride is what Juan calls the ride of the 4 summits. Layne said he thinks Juan doesn't know how to count. We started in Highland and went up in the hills between Alpine and Draper, including riding down Hog's Hollow. The views were great but I left my camera on and the batteries were dead again.

The picture today was taken on our last up slate down slide trip. It is at the spring that is the source for the water pipe that runs down the canyon.

I think I am over training my legs never seem to be able to recover before the next ride. I am looking forward to a nice Sunday of rest.

Thought: Sometimes the views are just so beautiful that it would be nice to take a break and enjoy the view. However sometimes you have to finish the ride and can't stop, so you have to enjoy it while you ride.

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