Ouch! Those have to be the worst pedals I have EVER used.
It is common knowledge that when you are learning to use clipless pedals everyone falls over at least once. I didn't have that problem. I guess it is because I was doing a lot of rocky, technical climbing when I got into the clipless pedals and somehow that combination along with some great Time pedals just worked for me.
I really like my Time ATAC pedals. I think they are the easiest pedals for clipping in and for getting your feet out. But I was having fun with my bike and decided to try out these orange iSSi pedals. The color was perfect for my black bike with orange cables. Right of the bat they were terrible. I went biking in Park City and crashed several times because they just would not let go of my feet. After that I adjusted the tension on the spring to be at the lowest setting available. It made them better but...

Today on the way to work, I was stopped at an intersection waiting for cars to go by. Now, I'm not too good at doing track stands, well actually I'm terrible at it. But I have always been able to try and stand and at the last second I just step out of my pedals and step down. Not with these orange things! Car passes, I have hit my max time that I can track stand, and have to step out, but the STUPID pedals won't let go of my shoes. Down I go, my head on the road where the car's tires were just a couple of seconds before.
I'm going back to my Time pedals, they work!