Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Daniel Boone

I found this post sitting in unpublished mode. I wrote this a long time ago, but never published it. Oh well here it is:

My 6th great grandfather was Daniel Boone, I was named after my grandfather who was also named Daniel Boone. Frequently when I am out in the wilderness I think that I must have his blood in my veins. He blazed the Wilderness Road, and was a true explorer.

They call Antarctica the worlds last great wilderness. Biking to the South Pole would be an adventure worthy of the memory of Daniel Boone.

I am not good at being patient. I want so bad to get this project going. I have created a Kickstarter page to get the funding, but until I get things figured out with Antarctic Logistics and Exploration/Adventure Network International I can't finish creating the project. Also I need to have a great project video. Mike Karr of Seen by Scene is going to help me create my project video, and then create the documentary when the trip is done.

I think the documentary will be cool, but really it is a means to an end. I have sunk my life savings into my bike store and am the most broke person I know. I can't fund this myself, and I think that getting enough sponsorship money using conventional means just wouldn't get me there. Don't get me wrong, I am really excited about the documentary, but even if there were no documentary I would still want to do this.

Back to the Daniel Boone thoughts. He was a legend in his own time, and apparently he knew it, and perhaps to some extent intentionally shaped that legend. I guess a documentary and travel log are ways that modern day explorers shape their legend. Since I know this and have considered this in the past I don't think there is any way for this not to influence what I write, but I'll do my best to try and give a true picture of the adventure.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

My Crazy Idea

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Bike-To-Work Day

Today is suppose to be bike-to-work day. In years past Novell use to promote this, but they didn't this year. However, I decided I would try it today. I had planned out in my mind the route I would take, but then as I rode I changed my mind and adjusted the route. It worked out pretty good, I was able to pick roads that had a good combination of lower traffic, more shoulder, and less climbing.

Here is a picture of the rock field leading to the house in Provo that got smashed by a falling rock. As you can see this isn't the first time a rock has come tumbling down here, and I'm sure it won't be the last. But hey, look at the view, who cares if a rock will someday land in your living room.


Just thinking about it, and last night's post would make it sound like I want to do this to be famous. But that is just an excuse. I am so excited when I explain the idea to people, but they just don't have the same excitement, so I guess the famous idea is just to try and get them to be excited. It doesn't work.

But, who hasn't ever wanted to do something that nobody has done before? Who hasn't wanted to accomplish something just for the sake of having done it? I'm not a bucket list kind of guy, but if I was this would be a great bucket list item. Sometimes you have just got to do something, just to have done it. As Phil Connors says in Groundhog Day, "Sometimes I think you just have to take the big chances."

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

What are you thinking?!

OK, I've got a plan for a new adventure. I'm not quite ready to make it public yet, but I can't contain myself so I have to say something without really saying anything. No big deal though, because I doubt anyone is reading this blog since I haven't been posting anything to it for a long time.

I'm really excited about my project, but when I talk to people about it the conversation goes something like this:

 Me: "I have this great" and I bore him with my plan.
Person who doesn't really want to hear me babel about the idea: "That just sound miserable."
Me: "From everything I read it IS!"
Person: "Being miserable for two months? Why would you do it?"
"Because.... ah.... think how cool it would be! I could be the first! I would be in Wikipedia!"
"Look, I can add you to wikipedia right now if you would like."
"I could be in the Guinness Book of World Records!"
"Yeah, if you don't die first."
"but, but, it would be so awesome!"

So do I really have what it takes to do this? I think yes! There is a company that helps with the logistics of this kind of project. I am in contact with them to see how to turn the dream to a real plan. After I get that figured out then I can publicly release what I want to do.

My Bicycle Store