Layne says, "If you don't know where you are going then don't lead."
Every day our life should be epic and not everyday. OK, I confess, I am back to writing in my blog in a effort to get more people to view my YouTube videos and subscribe to my YouTube channel.
Max 14.5 Avs 5.0 Dst 6.74 Atm 1:20:24 Alt^ 1112
Took Stephan up American Fork Canyon today. We started at the Timpanooke trail head on the Great Western, went up to the Ridge Trail, down Pine Hollow to the Great Western and back to Timpanooke.Road Max 30.3 Avs 20.1 Dst 33.23 Atm 1:39:08 Odo 576 Alt^ 985
I figured I needed a good hour steady ride this morning, so I headed out to 5 Mile Pass. I averaged around 21 mph to Fairfield, and figured the ride back would be easier. However it was a bit longer to get to the top of the pass than what I thought, and it wasn't as down hill on the way back as I thought it was.Max 35.3 Avs 8.6 Dst 9.44 Atm 1:05:48 Alt^ 815
Today we rode up Provo Canyon to the BST and then South. There was a mud slide near the top of the climb. It took out the part of the trail I had the most troubles with, the narrow steep drop off. Now the trail goes over the mud slide and is nice and wide.Max 41.4 Avs 8.6 Dst 19.64 Atm 2:16:57 Odo 520 Alt^ 2339
My bike computer has a thermometer in it, but I have felt like it is of little to no value because the readings are so far off. Today it was like it was magically figuring out how hot I felt. Going up the canyon I was dying of heat. At the gate the comp read 111 degrees. When I finally turned around the wind and sweat made it feel like the temp had dropped 20 degrees. After leaving the canyon looking the computer read 92.Max 39.8 Avs 8.4 Dst 9.34 Atm 1:05:58 Odo 438.8 Alt^ 1515
Well, today was the third ride up the canyon this week. It was still quite difficult but I didn't feel as bad as the first time.Max 28.5 Dst/D 4.37 Avs 6.5 Dst 14.91 Atm 2:15:38 Odo 429.4 Alt^ 2320
Two days ride in today's number. Went up Slate Canyon again, this time I carried the bike up the pipe hill and continued past a couple more hills. However the trail is bad enough and the river crossings bad enough that it wasn't really worth it. But the ride to and from the pipe hill is great.Max 40.3 Avs 7.9 Dst 9.21 Atm 1:09:34 Odo 414.5 T.Tm 275:51 T.Odo 2133.0 Alt^ 1455
The stream coming down Slate Canyon is getting lower and the crossings are now much more passable. I stopped and moved some rocks at a couple of crossings to make it a little better. It is now ridable all the way up to the pipe hill.